The purpose of this sorority shall be to unite its members in the bonds of sincere and lasting friendship, to stimulate one another in the pursuit of knowledge, to promote the moral and social culture of its members, and to develop plans for guidance and unity in action; objects worthy of the highest aim and purpose of associated effort. The purpose of this sorority shall be advanced through the National Convention, the National Council, and the college and alumnae chapters.
Advisor, Stacey Tetloff
Advisor, Jennifer McDermitt
President, Lilliana Lulgjuraj
Presides at all chapter meetings; conducts all ritualistic meetings; calls special meetings as needed, appoints committees with the approval of the Executive Board and CCD; enforces compliance of all regulations of the college, chapter, and sorority; and requires each officer to do her job well. She establishes and maintains a good working relationship with the CCD and the RCD. She serves as an ex-officio member of all committees and will be Delta Zeta’s official representative for her chapter at both the local and national level.
Skills and Competencies:
- Communication
- Time Management
- Reliability
VP of Membership, Ana Gonzalez
Plans for and supervise the selection of New Members. She is the officer who organizes and carries out the chapter’s recruitment activities and other membership efforts. She also acts as an aid to the President and will assume the duties of the President in case of the President’s absence or inability to serve.
Skills and Competencies:
- Time Management
- Creativity
VP of New Member Education, Claire Dudek
Facilitates the New Member Education Program. She educates the New Members in Delta Zeta policies, ideals, standards, history, scholarship plus the policies of the campus. She serves as an example that reflects the ideals and character of Delta Zeta thus teaching the New Members to be proud, loyal members.
Skills and Competencies:
- Academia
- Accuracy
- Professionalism
VP of Programs, Sophia Schlatterbeck
Establishes and maintains excellence in all areas of chapter operations and enhances each member’s college experience through education and skill development. She shall be responsible for the chapter’s annual assessment, goal setting, and programming.
- Skills and Competencies:
- Goal Setting
- Organization
VP of Finance, N/A
She manages chapter finances as well as Collections and has custody of all chapter funds. She maintains an accurate account of these funds in accordance with the accounting system of the sorority. It is her responsibility to pay all national and local bills of the chapter and to report regularly to her chapter a statement of accounts.
- Skills and Competencies:
- Budgeting
- Accuracy
VP of Administration, Julia Lietz
Maintains a complete and accurate record of every regular and special meeting. She shall file and preserve all important correspondence and keep an accurate, current membership roster. She is responsible for all communications required of her by the National Organization.
Skills and Competencies:
- Accuracy
- Reliability
- Communication
VP of Philanthropy, Isabella McDaniel
Coordinates our chapter’s community and campus service projects. Educates the chapter on the National Philanthropy and the Delta Zeta Foundation and oversees the National Philanthropy project. She also implements all national philanthropy programs.
Skills and Competencies:
- Strategic Planning
- Communication
Academics, Katrina Ness
Oversees the chapter’s scholastic endeavors and provides assistance to chapter members. She also implements all national academic programs.
Skills and Competencies:
- Academia
- Professionalism

Delta Zeta